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Diversity and Inclusion

Committee on Medical Physics Statement on Diversity

GPMP Statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion:

The Graduate Program in Medical Physics (GPMP) at the University of Chicago recognizes that commitment to diversity, equity, inclusion, and outreach is critical for scientific excellence. We know the inclusion of individuals from all backgrounds and life experiences will only enhance research at our institution. We are committed to developing a long-term plan to more actively engage and to make conscientious choices to create a diverse and inclusive environment. With this in mind, we commit to take action against inequity for the improvement of our program and community. 

In 2020, our program launched several initiatives to address what we had identified as areas needing further DEI growth. These activities included reviving a student-faculty book club, partnership with Chicago Public Schools (CPS), expansion of our inclusivity training for faculty, and review of our admissions process to ensure holistic evaluation of applicants’ potential.

We remain committed to nurturing a diverse, equitable, and inclusive environment, and we are working towards this goal with several ongoing initiatives, enumerated below. These include expanded volunteer opportunities, extension of inclusivity training for students, and intentional focus on outreach in our local South Side community.

We understand these efforts will require years of consistent work to realize greater change towards equity for all. We recognize that these actions are just the first steps towards this goal. With this commitment, we sincerely hope for continuous improvement of our program, our field of medical physics, and our Chicago community.